"My early breeding period and lifelong practice have been associated with DOMINANT CZ programs since 1975"

Applying genetics and creating jointly with nature was the life credo of my father František Tyller, a pea and field pea breeder.

Dominant Genetika s.r.o. was set up in January 2021 and fully follows the original self-employed Dominant CZ activities. The change in company structure was to facilitate recruitment of new employees and the addition of Ing. Helena Landová Tylerová into company ownership ensuring continuation of the Dominant CZ brand. Dominant Genetics s.r.o. remains a fully independent family business.

Breeding traditions
World-class methods
RNDr. Milan Tyller
Company owner

Have a look at our genetic programs

The objective of our very own breeding program is to offer poultry breeders a large variety of colour hens.

Our programs

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