DOMINANT SUSSEX D 304 is a very attractive coloured program reminiscent of Light Sussex by its marking, with the difference that our program is a coloured Leghorn with this Colombian marking. The program uses sexing according to feathering speed in one-day-old chickens. Variability of the eggshell colour from white to cream is characteristic. Laying rate is over 260 eggs.

This DOMINANT SUSSEX D 304 program is the result of cross breeding two Colombian Leghorn populations. The paternal population is fast feathering with allele of the "k" recessive gene for feathering rate "K/k" and the maternal population is slow feathering with the dominant "K" allele. When hatching one-day-old chickens, feather sexing is used using K/k alleles, where a one-day-old cockerel acquires the dominant allele of this "K" gene from the mother and is slow feathering, while one-day-old hen gets a recessive "k" allele from the father and is fast feathering, which is evident on one- day-old chickens’ flight feathers.


Breeding period (up to 18 weeks):

Lifetime period 94 - 96 %
Weight at 18 weeks – hen 1,4 - 1,5 kg
Feed consumption up to 18 weeks per hen 6,1 - 6,3 kg
Weight at 18 weeks – cockerel 1,8 - 2,0 kg
Feed consumption up to 18 weeks per cockerel 6,4 - 6,5 kg

Breeding period (from 19 to 68 weeks):

Lifetime period 93 - 95 %
Age at 50% laying 22 – 23 weeks
Laying peak at 29 to 30 weeks 92 – 93 %
Number of eggs 259 – 260 ks
Average egg weight 61,5 – 62 g
Number of hatching inducing eggs per hen 225 – 230 ks
Feed consumption per hen and day 122 – 124 g
Hen body weight at 68 weeks 2,15 – 2,30 kg
Eggshell colour White


Breeding period (up to 18 weeks):

Lifetime period 96 - 97 %
Weight at 18 weeks – hen 1,3 - 1,4 kg
Feed consumption up to 18 weeks per hen 5,7 - 5,9 kg
Weight at 18 weeks – cockerel 1,6 - 1,8 kg
Feed consumption up to 18 weeks per cockerel 6,0 - 6,3 kg

Breeding period (from 19 to 78 weeks):

Lifetime period 95 - 97 %
Age at 50% laying 22 – 23 weeks
Laying peak at 29 to 30 weeks 94 – 95 %
Number of eggs 310 - 320 ks
Average egg weight 61,5 – 62,5 g
Feed consumption per hen and day 105 – 110 g
Hen body weight at 68 weeks 1,9 – 2,0 kg
Eggshell colour White and cream
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