DOMINANT LEGHORN D 229 is very popular particularly for high laying rate of pure white eggs and low feed consumption. We offer and supply to many countries this program’s final hybrids and also the parent and grandparent breeding pairs. This program is highly adapted to different production systems, both from technological and feed point of views.

DOMINANT LEGHORN D 229 is the result of cross breeding 4 White Leghorn initial populations and the final hybrid is feather sexed. One-day-old cockerels are slow feathering and hens are fast feathering.


Breeding period (up to 18 weeks):

Lifetime period 96 - 97 %
Weight at 18 weeks – hen 1,3 - 1,4 kg
Feed consumption up to 18 weeks per hen 5,7 - 5,9 kg
Weight at 18 weeks – cockerel 1,6 - 1,8 kg
Feed consumption up to 18 weeks per cockerel 6,0 - 6,3 kg

Breeding period (from 19 to 78 weeks):

Lifetime period 94 - 96 %
Age at 50% laying 23 weeks
Laying peak at 29 to 30 weeks 93 – 95 %
Number of eggs 270 – 275 ks
Average egg weight 61 – 62 g
Number of hatching inducing eggs per hen 240 – 250 ks
Feed consumption per hen and day 105 – 110 g
Hen body weight at 68 weeks 1,9 – 2,6 kg
Eggshell colour White


Breeding period (up to 18 weeks):

Lifetime period 94 - 96 %
Weight at 18 weeks – hen 1,3 - 1,4 kg
Feed consumption up to 18 weeks per hen 5,7 - 5,9 kg
Weight at 18 weeks – cockerel 1,6 - 1,8 kg
Feed consumption up to 18 weeks per cockerel 6,0 - 6,3 kg

Breeding period (from 19 to 78 weeks):

Lifetime period 95 - 97 %
Age at 50% laying 22 - 23 weeks
Laying peak at 29 to 30 weeks 94 – 95 %
Number of eggs 310 – 320 ks
Average egg weight 61,5 – 62,5 g
Feed consumption per hen and day 105 – 110 g
Hen body weight at 68 weeks 1,9 – 2,0 kg
Eggshell colour White
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